A Near Death Experience: Into The Light And Back
This is a very personal story of my Near Death Experience. It transcends time, space and dimensions. About three months before the accident I began having a vivid recurring dream. In this dream I was in some kind of major accident. I could never see how the accident happened. All I could seeing and hear was a huge crash and then being immersed in a giant flash of white light. After the 4th time of having this dream I realized after the flash of white light was that I was in Heaven. I thought this meant I would die in real life. I was so upset about this that in the dream that I started yelling at God for taking me. I woke up in tears many times as this was ongoing for weeks. In waking life I was extremely mindful to avoid any dangerous situations and took extra care to try and make sure the accident never happened. I talked to my youngest daughter about the dream many times. She’s also clairvoyant, and we both hoped that this time I was wrong.
On June 22, 2015 I realized it was a real premonition. It was 2:15 pm and I was driving to an appointment. The day and night before I had a dog deliver 11 puppies and I’d spent the whole night up with her to help. I was extremely tired after not sleeping much then working all day. The last memory I have before the impact was leaving Mount Desert Island in Maine. I remember being very tired and planned to stop at a store a few minutes up the road to get some coffee. I never got the chance.
The next memory I have was 18 miles north. I have no idea how I got there. I was waking up after being asleep at the wheel. I had drifted into the left lane and locked eyes with the driver of an 18 wheeler headed straight towards me. We both tried to swerve to avoid the impact but it wasn’t possible. Just before the impact I remembered the re-occuring dream but this time in more detail. I remembered my Grandfather telling me, “Don’t worry, when it happens I’ll already be there so you won‘t have to call out to me.” I immediately felt him in the car with me as the whole car filled with white light just before impact.
At that moment I remember feeling like I was pulled out of my body and started zooming up what looked like a wormhole in space. There were stars, flashes and sparkles of light all around me. I wasn’t afraid. I felt my grandfather accompanying me so I felt safe. As I was whooshing up this tunnel I heard the most beautiful music. It sounded like Angels playing five songs at the same time. Their Angelic voices and music were the most beautiful sounds I’ve ever heard. I could FEEL the music and it felt like pure love.
After what felt like about 2 minutes I came to a sudden stop. I found myself standing in a room that was all white. It was very peaceful. It felt like home and I immediately felt like I wanted to stay there forever. There were four white couches in the center of the room all facing each other in a square. The walls and floor were white and there was a white mist the filled the air. It felt like pure love. I remember breathing this mist in deeply and it felt so good.
My attention suddenly shifted to others in the room. In that sacred space on the couches I became aware of my Grandfather, Grandmother, a boyfriend who had committed suicide, my biological father I’d never met and three of my Spirit Guides. They asked me to come sit down with them . I could see them like they were living people. They said not to be afraid and told me they had some things to share. I was a little worried and thought they were going to do a life review because I wasn’t going back to Earth.
The conversation I had with my dad is the one I remember the most. I’d never met him before. He was not present at any point in my life and this lack of a relationship had caused me great pain. As a child I ached for and desperately needed someone to protect me. My father’s absence had wounded me deeply and caused me to walk forward with feelings of anger, unworthiness and worthlessness. I had become angry and disheartened with the world because of his absence.
As I met him for the first time in this sacred space he held my hands and looked deep into my eyes. He telepathically conveyed a clairvoyant vision to me that I saw as clear as a movie playing on a screen. He showed me a view of the earth from above looking down. The two of us were side by side floating over the earth in space looking down at it from above. When I looked down at the earth I saw two black specks moving around the globe. He said this was us in the past moving through our lives over the years as black specks. We were always moving around seeking each other but never touching physically. I watched our black specks keep moving around the globe as we did during our lives. As we moved around we were emitting sparks of green, blue, orange and red. He said it was the energy of our emotions. Seeing this play out again for me was filling me with great sadness as I recalled the feelings of abandonment and not being good enough from childhood.
But he was showing me something I didn’t see at first. I was not unwanted. He had tried to find me his whole life. We were always moving and seeking each other simultaneously. All those feelings of longing, grief, anger and abandonment were emitting different colored sparks that then became part of a web of light around the globe that I was told is the energetic collective consciousness. None of those sparks went out, they instead gathered into clouds of light over the Earth and looked very similar to the Aurora Borealis. My father explained that once he crossed over he was able to see and experience all the emotions and pain I’d experienced because he wasn’t there. He wasn’t present in life, but the energy imprints were recorded and saved for him.
As I began to see this the feelings from my childhood around anger, unworthiness, sadness and not being good enough began dissipating and replaced with feelings of love, understanding, consciousness and awareness. As we sat I became engulfed with beautiful white and green light that felt like pure unconditional Love. This healing energy completely engulfed me and I felt like I was breathing in all the lost love I had ached for my whole life. I was overcome with emotion and had difficulty processing all that I was feeling as I was trying to understand the vision about the collective consciousness I was shown. He showed me that nothing was lost or wasted and everything is connected. I felt deep love emanating through me from my loved ones and Spirit Guides in the form of light. In this white light space I experienced a powerful Spiritual Healing.
I was shown many other visions of hard times in my life. What I began to see and finally understand was that all the difficulties I’d had in life were not random. They had happened to help prepare me for my true life purpose as a Healer and Spiritual Psychic Medium. I’d always had abilities but spent my life up until that point trying to ignore and block them. That wasn’t working very well. I was still holding onto the energy of victimhood from all the childhood trauma and abuse I experienced.
My whole life I’d been made to feel like my abilities were all in my head and weren’t real. In that room they showed me that it was all a part of preparing me for my true life purpose. They told me that my psychic mediumship abilities were very real, and that I was meant to use them to help others. They didn’t say how exactly, but they told me when I went back they would help me figure it out.
I remembered my children and realized I had to go back. I wanted to go back. I needed to go back! I felt an urgency to get back to my body. I hugged everyone and suddenly found myself traveling back down the same light tunnel at lightspeed that I had arrived through. When I stopped moving I entered my body with a painful thud at the exact moment I hit the tractor trailer head on.
I heard crashing and felt the physical impact. I felt and saw what seemed like large hands made of Light surrounding my head and torso protecting me from the collision. I knew it was my grandfather protecting me just as he’d told me he would. After sitting in the car with a shattered leg for what felt like an eternity the Fire Department and EMT’s arrived. It took them a half hour to cut me out of the car using the jaws of life. It took 8 men to get me out of the car. All the while the car was catching fire and I could feel the concern from the emergency responders. They were running out of time.
I could hear the EMT’s talking about internal injuries based on the speed of impact and damage to the vehicle. My leg and ankle were brutally crushed and bleeding. Even though I knew my physical injuries were great and the EMT’s were planning to lifeflight me to the hospital I knew I would be okay. My grandfather had promised me it would be so. This knowing was what helped keep me calm so they could cut me from the vehicle.
After the accident I became confused by the time and space gap that I still cannot explain. The last thing I remembered was driving in Trenton on Rt 1A near the airport. That’s where I thought the accident happened. The impact however occurred 20 minutes up the road. I only learned this when I called the Fire Department a week later to ask where my totalled car had been towed. They informed me there wasn’t an accident in Trenton that day. I then discovered that somehow my car traveled 20 minutes further with me having no memory of it. I cannot explain how my car got to North Ellsworth, but I am thankful that the site of impact was in a place where no one else was hurt or injured.
Coming back from that experience left me with a lot to process. I came to realize that my life experiences were all a journey my Soul chose long ago and I was intended to take. We can always make the decision to turn our life around, close one door, and walk through the next. It took me many months to integrate the lessons I learned from the Spiritual healing I received in the Light. It was hard to begin deprogramming my old lower vibrational bitter responses, and at times it felt like dialysis.
Healing doesn’t always feel rosy and wonderful. As we explore deeper truths about ourselves we may come across things we really don’t like. Increased self-awareness doesn’t always feel great at the beginning. It can be painful. Yet facing these things is how we transcend. We all have the power to change and evolve into a path of higher consciousness, love and healing at any time.
Here at Earth School many of us at some point also have difficult relationship experiences with love, often related to loss. These experiences can hurt very deeply and we all know heartbreak is a difficult lesson. When we feel depleted of Love we can feel far more anxiety, stress, pain, and Spiritual disconnect. It affects our frequency as we send off the same vibrational frequency we are experiencing in our consciousness.
Some of us are aware that parts of us all are already made of Light. We call them our chakras, auras, prana or chi. This belief has been around for thousands of years. This life force energy is what my father showed me we were emitting as we moved around the globe longing for each other.
With practice we may develop the ability to see these energies here on the earth plane. I am here to share that these energy centers are very real and are the true Spiritual center of our existence.
When I was in “the Light” I saw a world made of Love, Light and Sacred energy. The heart chakra especially is a very powerful one. This is where the energy of love enters our system on a physical and Spiritual level. It is sometimes called the seat of the Soul. This chakra is where we can physically feel the pulls and tugs of how love has influenced us. The color of a healthy heart chakra is a beautiful emerald/lime green color. Some can see this green energy in and around people’s energy fields. We all have the ability to see this but not all of us tap into it. Our chakras are how our eternal Light body manifests in the physical. Our body is a physical representation of our energy centers.
Painful experiences around love can cause us to pull back and create barriers. I was raised in an environment where unconditional love wasn’t present and was a foreign concept. A difficult childhood and abusive marriage left me at the point where I felt like I had given far too much and received nothing in return from Love except for pain. I had become a discouraged person who stopped believing in the power of love. I had not received much so I had stopped sending it out to the Universe. I certainly did not believe in Spiritual healing. That was my experience before the NDE.
After the experience I became fully dedicated to raising my Spirit, Mind and Body vibrations. I found meditation, psychic art, chakra healing and self-compassion helpful. It is one thing to know about something, it is another to integrate those lessons we learn to change our behavior. Our behavior is a great part of the frequency we send out into the world and universe. We are all works in progress at different stages of healing and consciousness. I dedicated the next two years to perfecting my psychic mediumship and healer abilities.
Many achieve higher Spiritual consciousness here on the earth plane and others have this powerful experience for the first time going into the Light. The healing light energy frequency that I saw and experienced in the Light for the first time is the same light healing light energy present in our chakras and auras. We don’t need to cross over to experience it. In this Light is the power to heal all wounds. We can all tap into this healing frequency through our hearts, intentions, meditation, prayers, Reiki and Spiritual healing. Some of us who do this work call ourselves Lightworkers. To be a Lightworker means to be attuned to these healing frequencies that run throughout the universe.
Today I can thank the difficult life experiences for putting me on my true life Soul path. I walk forward much slower as a result of the physical injuries I received during the NDE experience car accident but I am not disheartened! Without the pain I wouldn't have had such a soul healing experience in the Light, wouldn’t have accepted my Mediumship and wouldn’t be so passionate about the power of Love, Light and Spiritual healing.
Looking back I realize I could not have arrived at this destiny any other way. While I was in that Sacred White Light space I experienced Spirit, Mind and Body healing that melted away a lifetime of pain. All the pain we suffer can be healed in the Light with Love, Understanding and Enlightenment. Nothing is lost, nothing is wasted. The even better news is that we do not have to pass on to experience these frequencies! We may expand our vibrations to experience expanded consciousness and Spiritual soul healing here on the earth plane.
This healing Light extends interconnectedly throughout the Universe, Heavens, Mother Earth and into our souls, chakras and physical bodies. The collective consciousness is an energetic expression of the energy of all things in the circle of life. While up above the earth looking down at it I could see how it was very much interconnected to all living things.
We are all interconnected to this sacred energy as beings of Light. We are not human beings having a soul experience, we are Spiritual beings having a human experience. Nothing is lost, nothing is wasted. Most of all, Love.
~Christina Dawn Eagle
Originally published at https://www.eaglemedicinepsychicreadings.com on October 21, 2020.